New Customer Installation Survey Created June 8, 2016 Author Tim Alexander Category New Customers, My Account Your Name (required) Your E-mail Address (required) Why did you choose to go with Amplex Internet? Not happy with previous providerThis was our first internet providerAmplex was our only choice Who was your previous Internet provider? SpectrumBuckeyeFrontierCentury LinkHughesNetOtherN/A If you were considering multiple providers, what aspect stood out and made you choose Amplex? Local SupportPricingSpeedHeard good things about youN/A How satisfied were you with your installation? UnsatisfiedSatisfiedVery SatisfiedYou Guys Are Awesome! Did the installer ask to leave a yard sign? Many customers like them, as it helps to get referrals. Yes, I have oneNo, did not askI did not wantI would like one! Do you know about our Referral Program, where you get a free month of service for each new customer referral? Yes, I knew aboutNo, but I do now! Do you follow us on Facebook and Instagram? We post updates and lots of contests & drawings for free service and prizes! Yes, I already followNo, not interestedI will, sounds great! We would like to hear any additional feedback about your service or installation. Please type them below and thank you for your time. Δ Was this article helpful? Yes No