Allow Regions in Email/Webmail

Due to security concerns, Amplex blocks IP ranges that are unlikely to need access to an American ISP’s Email accounts. This includes the Web UI interface but will also block email access by mail managers like Thunderbird or Outlook.

By default, US, Mexico, and Canada based IP addresses have access to send or receive Amplex Email, and this extends to webmail UI access. Restricting access like this reduces the threat vectors from sources outside the country that don’t need this access, in nearly all cases.

But what if an Amplex Internet customer goes on vacation to a place outside of the US, Mexico, or Canada?

Customer’s have access to the settings to change that from inside the already enabled and/or default countries via the webmail interface. Note: This means if a customer doesn’t do this from inside their home country before leaving, they’ll need some one else with access to their email to make these changes for them. – Alternatively, a customer can CPNI verify or give these credentials to an Amplex employee, so that employee can make the desired changes. 

Adding region access via webmail

Step 1 – Log in by going to

Step 1a – Alternatively, if you use you’ll be directed to the following pages:(click images to enlarge)




Step 2 – Click “Settings”

Step 3 – Select Security options and add your desired region



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